
Peach Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Recipe

Welcome to Spaghetti Eis Co! Today, we are excited to share with you a delicious recipe for peach chocolate chip ice cream. This creamy and fruity dessert is perfect for those hot summer days and is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. With just a few simple ingredients and some easy steps, you can make this refreshing treat at home and impress your friends and family. So, let’s get started and make some peach chocolate chip ice cream! We’ve made this peach chocolate chip ice cream recipe easy to follow 👨‍🍳.

peach chocolate chip ice cream ingredients


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups fresh peaches, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips


1. In a medium saucepan, combine the heavy cream, whole milk, sugar, and salt. Heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is hot but not boiling.2. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla extract.3. Pour the mixture into a blender and add the chopped peaches. Blend until smooth.4. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or until completely cold.5. Pour the chilled mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.6. During the last few minutes of churning, add the chocolate chips.7. Transfer the ice cream to a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 2 hours, or until firm.8. Scoop and serve! peach chocolate chip ice cream

How long does peach chocolate chip ice cream last in the fridge?

Peach chocolate chip ice cream can be stored in the fridge for up to 1-2 weeks after cooking. It is important to store the ice cream in an airtight container to prevent freezer burn and to maintain its flavor and texture. Before storing the ice cream, make sure it has cooled down to room temperature. When ready to serve, let the ice cream sit at room temperature for a few minutes to soften before scooping. It is not recommended to refreeze ice cream that has already been thawed.

Low calorie peach chocolate chip ice cream recipe substitutions

To make this peach chocolate chip ice cream recipe lower in calories, there are a few substitutions that can be made. First, you can use low-fat milk instead of whole milk to reduce the fat content. Second, you can use a sugar substitute like stevia or Splenda instead of granulated sugar to reduce the calorie content. Third, you can reduce the amount of heavy cream used and replace it with more low-fat milk or even almond milk to further reduce the fat content. Finally, you can reduce the amount of chocolate chips used or use a sugar-free chocolate alternative to reduce the calorie content. By making these substitutions, you can enjoy a lower calorie version of this delicious ice cream recipe.

What to serve with a peach chocolate chip ice cream?

Peach chocolate chip ice cream is a delicious and unique flavor combination that can be complemented with a variety of toppings and accompaniments. One great option is to serve it with a warm peach cobbler or crisp, which will enhance the peach flavor and provide a contrasting texture to the creamy ice cream. Another option is to pair it with a rich chocolate sauce or drizzle, which will highlight the chocolate chips and add a decadent touch to the dessert. For a lighter option, consider serving the ice cream with fresh sliced peaches or a mixed berry compote, which will provide a refreshing and fruity contrast to the rich ice cream.

Whats the best sauce for a peach chocolate chip ice cream?

The best sauce for peach chocolate chip ice cream would be a warm caramel sauce. The sweetness of the caramel complements the sweetness of the peaches and chocolate chips, while the warmth of the sauce contrasts with the coldness of the ice cream. Additionally, the caramel’s rich and buttery flavor adds depth to the overall taste experience. Drizzle the sauce over the ice cream and enjoy the perfect balance of flavors and textures.

Peach chocolate chip ice cream health benefits

Unfortunately, peach chocolate chip ice cream is not a particularly healthy dessert option. While peaches do contain some vitamins and minerals, the high sugar and fat content in ice cream can outweigh any potential health benefits. Instead, a healthier dessert option could be a fruit salad with a drizzle of honey or a homemade frozen yogurt made with Greek yogurt and fresh fruit. These options provide natural sweetness and nutrients without the added sugars and fats found in ice cream.

Check out other popular ice cream and spaghetti eis makers below!